This is what you should not forget when you move! This list will help you plan your move.
The checklist below can come in handy when moving and planning it.
Two months before the move
possibly cancel the rent
request days off from work
cancel telephone at old address and request at new address
give school-going children a note informing the head of the school about the relocation plans
request information about the schools in your new living environment
take the measurements of your new home and make a floor plan based on that
order carpeting and curtains
As early as possible, at the latest one day before the move
bring moving boxes
buy stickers for the moving boxes. It is very helpful if you write on these boxes both the contents and the space where the boxes should be placed in the new house
request details of new place of residence
take into account imminent departure when ordering etc
discuss a mover or arrange the rental of a moving car
electricity and gas supply cancel old house and apply for new house
maid and/or other domestic staff
A few weeks before the move
send address changes
cancel gas supply old house and apply for new house
cancel water supply old house and apply for new house
cancel and apply for PO box
notify the bank
arranging relocation insurance
inform health insurance fund via health insurance card
inform doctor and dentist
inform the civil status of the municipality
make an appointment gas fitter old house and new house
make appointment electrician old house and new house
sweep chimney
inform school or schools
enrolling children in a new school
make a name tag
make an appointment for cleaning new house
save old newspapers and boxes
make an appointment for the collection of bulky waste
About a week before moving day
arrange key transfer old house and new house
make additional keys if necessary
suppliers who come to the door to inform
inform landlord
temporarily store money and jewelery in a bank vault
make an appointment to accommodate children and pets during
the move -
make an appointment for heating the new house
return library books
After the move
check for any moving damage
return unpacked moving boxes
submit a removal card to the municipality
address on passport and driver's license
monitor forwarded mail
contact new bank branch
get to know neighbours, suppliers, neighborhood association, etc.
meet with spiritual etc.
Send address changes to:
family, neighbors, friends, acquaintances
doctors, dentist, pharmacy
veterinary surgeon
health fund
insurance companies
insurance agent
broadcasting magazines
senders of, for example, catalogs and prospectuses
book club
correspondence courses
mail order companies
shopping service